Our mascots reinforces your company name and image to current and potential customers even when the competition is fierce!

If you were in the market for your own product or service, you would no doubt encounter hundreds – maybe even thousands – of competitors who are offering similar product at similar prices with a similar audience in mind.

After a long period of comparison shopping and searching, all of the prices and offers start to blend together. Names start sounding the same. It becomes even harder for your prospective customer to remember your name out of all the others.

Our mascot helps separate your business from the "herd" and gives your customers an easy way to remember your company name over the rest.

Our customers have reported outstanding results in company name recognition and advertising recall rates.

By using their custom mascot on everything from stationery, web sites and even the company vehicle, they've given clients a great way to remember them! The first step is establishing your presence in the community. Next is building a relationship with your customers. ..... And finally you’ve got to keep them coming back!
Your character will become a local celebrity! Customers will ask for him. Requests will pour in for personal appearances all over town. And every time you use the costume character mascot, your brand’s name recognition increases!

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